Wednesday, 24 May 2017

"Now you know my secret," exclaimed the sage. "I know that I can die at any time. So I am always loving in all my relationships."

A disciple inquired of Saint Tukaram about how his transformation came, how he never got angry, how he was always loving and so forth; he wanted to know Saint Tukaram' s  "SECRET "

" I don't know what I can tell you about my secret," said Tukaram, "but I know your secret."

"And what is that?"

"You are going to die in a week," said Saint Tukaram gravely.

Since Saint Tukaram was a great sage, the disciple took his words seriously. During the next week, he cleaned up his act. He treated his family and friends lovingly. He meditated and prayed. He did everything he could in preparation for his death.

On the seventh day, he lay down on his bed, feeling weak, and sent for Saint Tukaram.

"Bless me, sage, I am dying," he said.

"My blessings are always with you, said the sage, but tell me how     you have been spending the last week? Have you been angry with your family and friends?"

"Of course not. I had only seven days to love them. So that's what I did. I loved them intensely," said the disciple.

"Now you know my secret," exclaimed the sage. "I know that I can die at any time. So I am always loving in all my relationships."

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