Human Excellence in Bhagavad Gita. Atmavinigraha (Control of oneself) (13.7)
If you learn self-control, you can master anything.
Benefits of Self-Control
* Increases chances of success
* Increases decision making capacity
* Improves FOCUS
* Healthier interpersonal relationships
* Greater popularity
* Better mental health
* More effective coping skills
* Reduced aggression
* Superior academic performance
* Less susceptibility to drug and alcohol abuse and eating disorders etc.
* Greater wealth
Self-control is a sacrifice, and avoiding distractions and temptations. It means staying focused. Steam does not move the engine unless it is confined. Niagara Falls would not generate power unless it were harnessed. We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare used to brag about his speed and challenged the tortoise to a race. The tortoise accepted the challenge. They appointed the fox as the judge who gave them the starting and finishing points. The race started and the tortoise kept going steadily. The hare ran quickly, left the tortoise behind and decided to take a nap since he was so confident he would win the race. By the time he woke up, remembered the race and started running, he saw that the tortoise had already reached the finish line and won.
We should draw a boundary line around the mind. Then only it can follow disciplines. The mind should not step out of this boundary line. Hence, we should introspect; we should check our mind’s movements; check its likes and dislikes, and hold it steady on one point and learn to meditate.
( Based on Vedanta Kesari and other sources
Edited and Condensed by Swami Adhishwarananda)
अमानित्वमदम्भित्वमहिंसा क्षान्तिरार्जवम् |
आचार्योपासनं शौचं स्थैर्यमात्मविनिग्रह: || (Gita 13.8)
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